January 8, 2005 | Daily Hampshire Gazette
By Kimberly Ashton, Staff Writer
Northampton— A day after trial began, a South Deerfield man who lost a leg when a car struck him as he walked in front of a Cumberland Farms window settled with the store for an undisclosed amount.
Lawyer Paul Weinberg of Northampton said Tuesday that his client, Roger Storozuk, 54, is looking at “well over $500,000” in his lifetime of medical and other bills related to the accident.
Storozuk had walked out of Cumberland Farms in South Deerfield in July 2001 and into the path of a truck driven by Michelle Martin, then 35, of Whately. Martin hit Storozuk and then crashed through the storefront. Storozuk was thrown through the storefront window on the hood of the truck.
He claimed Cumberland Farms should have had barriers in front of the parking spaces facing the store. Weinberg said the store knew about the dangers of not having the barriers from accidents at other stores.
Cumberland Farms’ lawyer, Richard Campbell of Boston, did not return a phone call seeking comment on the case.